Requirements: 2.2 and up.
Spirit FM Radio Unlocked v2013_04_05 Apk is a real, tuned, "over the air" FM radio app.
It is NOT a streaming app which requires expensive data plans and drains your battery.
No FM Support: US/LTE Galaxy S/S2/S3/Note/Note2 and many others are not capable of FM. US carriers are not allowing FM unless they can "monetize" it
On supported devices, Spirit FM Radio Unlocked v2013_04_05 Apk is the only FM app supporting all these digital audio features:
- A2DP Bluetooth headset support.
- CD quality stereo recording.
- Internal Waveform and FFT frequency visualization with accurate 5 dB times 1 octave grid, from 43 Hz to 22 KHz.
- External visualizers, equalizers and effects.
Digital supported on: rooted International Galaxy S/S2/S3/Note/Note2/Player, rooted HTC OneXL/OneS/Evo 4G LTE/Xperia T and most stock Sony 2012-2013 devices.
Spirit includes:
- Personal & Fast tech support for all devices you own from me, the developer, proprietor and only "employee". :) For problems, use Menu-> Test-> Email-> Logs & after 20 seconds press Send.
- Digital audio features on supported devices (see above): Bluetooth, Record, Visualization, Equalizer & Effects.
- RDS data display in App, Lock-screen & Notification window. RT, PS, PTY, PI & AF RadioText RT, Program Service PS, Program Type PTY, Program ID PI & Alternate Frequency AF.
- Lock-screen & Wired Headset Media Button support for mute, preset, seek, volume & record.
- Many settings: Audio, UI, AF, Digital & Debug categories.
- Unlimited Presets & Preset Lists.
What's new:
- Fixes for media button problems, especially on stock ROMs and versions other than Unlocked (where media button is now ignored instead of allowed to start music player etc.)
- GS3/Note2 recording or digital mode microphone in left channel hopefully fully fixed now, on all ROMs, stock or custom.
- Audio-> Method settings can now be fully switched on the fly, without having to restart Spirit. In particular, you can more easily switch between analog and digital modes.
- Better volume range on Galaxy S class devices using Si470x FM chip ; mostly GS, GS2, Note. GS3 and Note2 may only see a difference on non-CM ROMs.
- Default visualizer size reduced to reduce cut-off text. BTW, Sony Xperia Z may be the first OEM FM app with a visualizer, roughly tied with Spirit for being first.
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